Deal : Non-Fiction

Date: 11 December, 2020

The Recovering SuperWoman is an inspirational and practical guide for creating and cultivating a phenomenal relationship with yourself. It arms you with unwavering belief in yourself, tremendous self-love and inner power that you can feel, create, and sustain lasting love to be anything and everything you desire. This is a perfect guide for those seeking a way out of life’s traps and want to live a more authentic and meaningful life. FREE eBook From December 11 - 13, 2020

Date: 11 December, 2020

"Customers have more sense in raising objections than sellers have in dealing with them". This is the proposition from which the author of this manual Roberto Tiby, business consultant and sales and marketing educator for over twenty years, starts. Salespeople are very curious about the topic of handling objections, they want to know everything about how to overcome objections but, in the end, they barely train and rarely have a method. Many people sign up for a sales course with the precise goal of expanding their knowledge on this topic. In the end, there are few who can find something...

Date: 10 December, 2020

Coming from Scotland, host of the global 2021 climate conference, Carbon Choices tells the most remarkable story on planet Earth. How one group of sociable animals came to emit 40 billion tonnes (40,000,000,000) of an invisible gas each year, changing the chemistry of the atmosphere and the oceans, and steadily destroying the environment and life support systems that we depend on. We have unwittingly driven the world into a climate and wildlife crisis by the endless extraction of raw materials and our excessive consumerism - primarily by wealthier people and countries. FREE eBook From December 10 - 13, 2020

Date: 10 December, 2020

Joan Crank's story is a remarkable journey into another life; from walking the Great Wall of China, bird-watching in the Orinoco delta, cruising the inner passage of Alaska to feeding sea-eagles in Malaysia to name but a few. But what makes this journey so remarkable is that it took place with her husband Dave after his diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. FREE eBook From December 10 - 13, 2020

Date: 8 December, 2020

Many southeast peoples speak languages in the Muskogean language family, and many myths and tales also have versions that are shared among tribes. Rabbit is a trickster hero in all of these cultures, while other animals common to the region, such as turkeys and alligators, make appearances as well. Thunder beings appear in tales from both the Choctaw and Natchez peoples-only the Choctaw story is presented in this volume-while the owl acts as a villain in stories from both the Choctaw and the Caddo. The first part of this book contains Choctaw myths and legends. In this section are stories...

Date: 6 December, 2020

Before the Common Era, the area in and around what is now known as Vietnam was populated by a wide variety of people from differing ethnic groups. It was not until about the 11th century that the word “Viet” was used to describe the land occupied by the Viet people, first known as the “Lac” or “Lac Viet.” Vietnam, while still relatively poor in comparison to First World nations such as the United States and Japan, enjoys a much higher standard of living than could have possibly been imagined in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War. In this...

Date: 3 December, 2020

The key to attracting and retain customers in such a saturated economy lies in engaging them through relatable branding. From developing the overarching theme of your branding efforts to solidifying your authority – much work goes into succeeding with your marketing efforts. This detailed guide touches upon the various aspects of how to develop your branding strategy and connect with your audience. We have outlined the core pillars on which to establish a successful marketing and branding strategy for modern business. 99 Cent Bargain Book from December 3 - 7, 2020

Date: 1 December, 2020

Two captivating manuscripts in one book: • History of Italy: A Captivating Guide to Italian History, Starting from the First Settlements through the Middle Ages to the Modern Period • History of Rome: A Captivating Guide to Roman History, Starting from the Legend of Romulus and Remus through the Roman Republic, Byzantium, Medieval Period, and Renaissance to Modern History It is not an easy job to draw the border between the history of Italy and the history of Rome. In so many places, the two political and geographical entities collide. They wouldn’t be possible without each other, but they each...

Date: 29 November, 2020

It is not an easy job to draw the border between the history of Italy and the history of Rome. In so many places, the two political and geographical entities collide. They wouldn’t be possible without each other, but they each have their own story. Rome’s history is only a small fragment of Italy’s history. Although it is just a city, Rome was the birthplace of the republic, a great empire, and notable philosophers, poets, and artists. But on a larger scale, Rome expanded its borders, spreading not only through Italy but also through the whole known world. In that...

Date: 26 November, 2020

Create a $50,000 income roasting just one hour per day. Hidden within the second most traded commodity in the world is a virtually untapped business opportunity. Coffee Roasting Made Easy provides valuable insights from the pioneers of this new budding industry. Coffee micro roasting is today what micro brew beer was 25 years ago. Learn how to get in on the ground floor of this exciting new opportunity! FREE eBook From November 26, 2020