Deal : Non-Fiction

Date: 17 May, 2021

Two captivating manuscripts in one book: The Second Sino-Japanese War: A Captivating Guide to Military Conflict That Began between China and Japan, Including Events Such as the Japanese Invasion of Manchuria and the Nanjing Massacre The Rape of Nanking: The Nanjing Massacre That Occurred during the Second Sino-Japanese War Many people in the West look upon the Second Sino-Japanese War, which took place in the 1930s and 1940s, as a sort of sideshow to the larger Second World War, but there is no separating the two. Imagine the Pacific War, the theater of World War II that took place in...

Date: 17 May, 2021

Yearning to find your Authentic Voice? Uncover the process to participate more authentically in the project we call humanity Rare are the spaces in which we can look inwardly at who we are. There is no horizon to do so more intimately than reading one’s biography. Reflect on what and who you are. What constitutes your core self? What should that be? While there is no such thing as an “Authenticity Expert,” you now have a viable alternative. Morhaf Al Achkar obtained his Ph.D in education and is currently a practicing family physician at the University of Washington. He was...

Date: 16 May, 2021

Every new entrepreneur considering a business should read this book. Don't make this important decision for the wrong reasons. FREE eBook From May 17 - 21, 2021

Date: 15 May, 2021

Alexander of Macedon was only thirty-three years old when he died, leaving behind him a sprawling empire of impressive size, which encompassed dozens of different people groups, religions, cultures, customs, and—of course—problems. Naturally, Alexander is well known as a figure, but how well do we really know him? How much of his fascinating story is true, and how much is mere legend? Historians of repute have tried, for centuries, to decode Alexander’s life and answer all the burning questions above. Sadly, the common reader knows very little of the real Alexander, yet all of that is about to change with...

Date: 13 May, 2021

Learn how to grow a successful coffee roasting business! In this book, you will learn all you need to know about starting a coffee roasting business from your home. FREE eBook on May 13, 2021

Date: 12 May, 2021

Stock investing was always an excellent opportunity to build wealth. However, many people don't even dare to try investing out because they fear losing money. But, what if it was possible to take the stress out of investing? What if you could create a strategy that would only keep earning you money? Behold – the stock screener! This fantastic tool lets you filter or screen stocks based on specific ratios and indicators. Stock screeners make your life a lot easier as they allow you to screen the whole world with a few clicks, easily save screens, and create your own...

Date: 12 May, 2021

If you keep making mistakes and just can’t seem to reach that next level... Then keep reading Did you know that if you didn’t listen to Mozart as a child, you might be 8-10 IQ points dumber than you were supposed to be? Okay, not really. But during the 1990s, a generation of children was forced by their parents to listen to Mozart...Because a study found it made children smarter. However, study after study couldn’t replicate those results later. Eventually, researchers concluded that listening to ANYTHING while working resulted in higher intelligence testing. How come did the idea become established...

Date: 11 May, 2021

More than 300,000 people settled in the previously sparsely populated California. And they all came in the period between 1849 and 1855. But sadly, the people living in California quickly fell into violence, racism, and misogyny. Mexicans, Native Americans, other non-white settlers, and indigenous peoples were persecuted, hunted, and expelled from the territory. The California Gold Rush may have been one of the great events that shaped the US into what we know today, but it was also one of the saddest events, with 370 massacres committed upon the indigenous tribes of California. Yet, the California Gold Rush was a...

Date: 9 May, 2021

This puppy training guide is designed to tackle everything that comes with the first two months of training, providing you with weekly goals and expectations based on your puppy's development. This is delivered in the form of an action plan, giving key instructions about potty training, crate training, leash training, and all sorts of tips and tricks. Each chapter represents one week of training and sets weekly goals, answers frequently asked questions, and provides step-by-step instructions for the best exercises for this stage of puppy training. This lets the reader use the book as a support throughout the training process...

Date: 9 May, 2021

How to hack your motivation and make this the time that you finally achieve your fitness goals People say that the first step to every journey is the most important one. But when it comes to fitness, it’s consistency that gets you the body of your dreams — and that’s the hard part. If you’ve ever embarked on a fitness journey only to quit a few weeks or months down the line, you’ll know that motivation has a way of drying out. The secret lies in knowing how to align your mind with your goals — training it to motivate...