Deal : Autobiography
Date: 4 December, 2020
For those who like true accounts of adventures in foreign parts and Britain too, this book should not be missed. It is an account of Alan Hay's life of adventure, some of which it is hoped will amuse, and inspire others to follow their childhood dreams. and not to do what is expected of them. Alan was born in Surrey and spent some of his childhood in the West Midlands before returning south. He qualified in Land Surveying at the University of East London and worked for much of his career overseas, but with lengthy interludes in the British Isles....
Date: 30 October, 2020
Dinah leaves a busy career as a district nurse and midwife, entering retirement with no more forethought than satisfying a life-long ambition to own a dog. Hence the arrival of Harriet. A misty vision of meandering into old age, her companion by her side, turned out to be only the very beginnings of the story. If you've ever wondered what retirement might be about, what shape it might take, what opportunities and possibilities it might offer, here it is. FREE eBook From October 29 - November 1, 2020