Genres : Non Fiction

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Date: 07/17/2023
Meet TOOT the DROODLE, Part Dragon-Part Poodle. He’s a small little thingy that’s kind and sweet, with a curly little tail, fuzzy ears and woolly feet. TOOT longs to fly UP, UP into the sky,...
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Date: 07/13/2023
Overdelivering is not a victimless crime. It's been known to drain the life out of well-meaning coaches and service providers until the joy and cash run out and the desperation and regret rush in. What's...
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The Turnaround by Robert S. Curry

Date: 07/12/2023
“ABC Computer Distributors”—a Pennsylvania-based company—was heading for bankruptcy due to poor leadership, causing substantial operating losses. In The Turnaround, Robert Curry accounts the actual events of this successful turnaround, describing the profit-improvement process he used...
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Date: 07/12/2023
An ALL-IN-ONE book for Men who want to start their OWN FAMILY by having a baby. Expertise these 15 Pregnancy steps and your female partner will really appreciate you for your efforts & ALL-ROUND care...
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Off-Grid Living Guide by Self Sufficient Group

Date: 06/28/2023
"Off Grid Living Guide: Become Self Sufficient in 9 Steps" is an essential resource for anyone seeking a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle away from the constraints of traditional living. This comprehensive guide takes you through...
Genre: Non Fiction
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Date: 06/23/2023
Have you always wondered if there was a lot more to the history of the slave trade than you were ever told? Do you want to discover the roots of the subject, the how and...
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Date: 06/23/2023
“I have read 211 self-help books, yet this one has taught me the most.” — Sarah, avid self-help reader. “I wish I could un-read it and experience the joy of reading it for the first...
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Date: 06/22/2023
Have you ever wanted to crush your drives with effortless power…? Hit your fairways and greens with masterful precision…? Wanted to play a summer of golf without having to worry about your back? And get...
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Date: 06/17/2023
Are you looking for a book that engages pre-teen/teen boys and provides positive words that can motivate you and build your confidence? An inspirational book on how to leverage positive affirmations to overcome challenges. If...
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Date: 06/15/2023
Rest assured that your affairs will be in order, and give your loved ones a clear roadmap to follow when the time comes with this all-in-one organizer. Have you considered what will happen to your...
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